Saturday, March 25, 2023

Voyage of Curiosity: A Martian Chronicle 4k

Aha... Just what I was listening for "abundant oxygen"
as I have learned oxygen isn't abundant in atmosphere's
for long because of its reactive nature, thus, for it to become
"abundant" it has to be constantly generated by some source.
Of course, the most likely source would be life or rather
cyano bacterial or something of similar chemistry.
My guestimate is that it takes from 100million to 800
million years for life to gain a foothold so water needs
to be around for at least that long.  Oxygen isn't all that
necessary for early life to get started only for later more
advanced forms to arise.  So if there was abundant O2
in the atmosphere then there should be life or the evidence
of same awaiting discovery somewhere on Mars. 
Oh and while I'm at it I might suggest that rovers solar
collectors be covered with layers of transparent film which
can then be peeled off once the layer becomes too dirty.
That should give more life time for the machine until some
real cleaning help can arrive in the form of an AI cleaning

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